Recent articles by Simon Webster

The world according to permaculture

Permaculture inspiration from around the world is available online, writes SIMON WEBSTER.

Sustainable House Day

Here’s a chance to visit an eco-friendly home near you, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Pesticide residues in wines

In the Nov/Dec 2013 issue of Organic Gardener, there is an article by SIMON WEBSTER on organic wine which pointed to more information on wine pesticide residues. Here it is:

Talking green business

Do capitalism and sustainability go together? David Suzuki may have the answer, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Make your own compost tea brewer

SIMON WEBSTER follows step-by-step plans to build his own brewer.

How to make compost tea

In the March/April 2012 issue of Organic Gardener magazine, SIMON WEBSTER investigates how to make a successful brew of compost tea: the essence of organic farming and gardening. Plus he provides a step-by-step guide to building your own brewer.

Book Review: Down-to-Earth Garden Design

SIMON WEBSTER reviews Phil Dudman’s guide to garden design.

When should I replace my rooster?

Roosters can only perform at peak levels for so long, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Chickens in nappies

At last, you can invite chooks into the house without worrying about the carpet (well, apart from the scratching), SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Chicken breeds on show

The best of more than 100 chook breeds are going on display in Melbourne, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Happy as a chook out of mud

It’s important to make your chicken shed waterproof, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Fruit flies buzzing on organic diet

Fruit flies fed organic food are healthier than those fed more conventional food.