Grow more with climbing frames
Training plants up a climbing frame will help you grow more in a limited space and get higher returns at harvest time.
How to maximise your garden space
Maximise the space available in your garden so you can enjoy an ongoing supply of fresh produce.
Top tips for making the most of your garden’s growing potential
Armed with a bunch of clever techniques and ideas, it’s easy to maximise your garden’s potential and enjoy an abundant supply of fresh, organic, homegrown produce all year round.
How to put in place a crop rotation plan
A crop rotation plan will help avoid pest and disease build up in your garden.
Plan for the future: grow fruit trees
Honey and Leonie Atkinson transformed a patch of kikuyu grass into a thriving orchard, here's their planting advice to help you have your own bumper fruit harvest.
How to bring more birds into your garden
Insects play a vital role in supporting native birds. Here's how you can plant to attract more bugs, and so more birds, to your backyard.
Don’t cry over out-of-date milk & other tips
Our experts have some simple solutions to help you grow your harvest organically.
Join the no-dig revolution
There's a growing number of gardeners who have hung up the spade and adopted the no-dig approach. Phil Dudman explains why.
Small container wicking beds
ABC Gardening Australia’s Sophie Thomson was sceptical about wicking beds but now has 22 and is a convert, saving huge amounts of water, and time, in her vegie garden.
Success with seedlings
If you think raising your own vegies from seed is too hard, or you’ve tried it with limited success, don’t give up! Phil Dudman is here to offer some help.
Create your own patch of diversity
The future of native gardens was showcased at the 2023 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show. You can even create one in your own backyard!
Top tips for a tidy garden
A tidy garden may not lead to a tidy mind as some people claim a tidy home will, but it will certainly make maintenance easier throughout the busier times of planting and harvesting. Here's some simple tips from Helen McKerral to help you clean up your plot.