Your favourite gardening books

We ran a competition back in 2021 with the question: ‘What is your favourite gardening, nature or food book and why’. Here’s what you said!

Beautiful garden books reviewed

These joyous garden books are well worth reading says Penny Woodward

Birds in your garden

Penny Woodward talks about attracting birds to your garden and two new books about birds.

Here: Poems for the Planet – a review

Here: Poems for the Planet is a call for hope and action on behalf of a planet in crisis.
Spiders are special

Look after your spiders says Penny Woodward, the vast majority are harmless and all are beneficial.

The Herbalist’s Bible

What did people do for medicine in the 17th century? JUSTIN RUSSELL reviews a modern take on a Middle Ages herbal classic.

Books for presents

SIMON WEBSTER suggests some reading matter to stimulate the grey matter (and the plant matter, for that matter).

The Fertile Dozen – A beginner’s reading list

In order to understand the present and prepare for the future, it helps to understand the past.When ELIOT COLEMAN was asked what books would be best to help someone understand what a biologically based agriculture is all about, he put together this collection, which he nicknamed “The Fertile Dozen.”

Book Review: The New Organic Gardener

JUSTIN RUSSELL reviews the new book by organic industry stalwart, Tim Marshall.

When wild things disappear

Mary Oliver's poetry is a favourite, offering insight into what it means to share the planet with other living things.