Recent articles by Simon Webster

Korea opens organic museum

At last, there’s a museum that takes vegie growing seriously, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Dirty Dozen list isn’t dinky-di

Australians shouldn’t read too much into pesticide residue figures from the US, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Football club gives chemicals the boot

Groundsmen bung on the dung to give the environment a sporting chance, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

Peak oil has ‘already happened’

Energy industry experts fear the worst, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Swale maintenance

SIMON WEBSTER gives the fruit trees in his permaculture food forest some much-needed tender loving care.

Brits at home among the gum trees

You can almost hear the kookaburras in central London, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Unmulched corn takes a battering

Mulch proves just champion in a storm, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Permaculture in the Middle East

Jordan will soon play host to permaculture designers from around the world, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

How to grow the three sisters: part 4

The eldest sister, sweetcorn, is stealing the limelight from the snake beans and watermelon in SIMON WEBSTER's three sisters experiment.

The pros and cons of mulching

Nothing is perfect – not even mulch – writes SIMON WEBSTER.

How to grow the three sisters: part 3

The rats have been seen off, for now, and all three sisters are growing, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Giant Russian cucumbers live up to their name

SIMON WEBSTER shows off some recently harvested giant cucumbers.