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Tangy Tamarillo Jam

Tangy tamarillo jam

Story by

Drought-tolerant tree tomatoes, or tamarillos, make excellent jam, says SALLY WISE.


  • 2.5kg tamarillos, peeled and finely chopped
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2kg sugar


Tamraillos are also known as tree tomatoes. The fruits are egg-shaped and their flavour is an unusual combination of tomato, Cape Gooseberry, and plum. I particularly like the jam and jelly, which both set very easily. 

Place tamarillos, lemon juice and water in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer until fruit is soft. Add sugar, stirring well to dissolve. Bring back to the boil and cook rapidly for 30 minutes.

Pour into warm sterilized bottles and seal. The jam can be eaten at once, but the flavour improves and becomes more rounded after a week or so.

This recipe is extracted from Complete Preserves by Sally Wise (ABC Books RRP $29.99) and is available from ABC Online and good book shops.