ABC Organic Gardener Magazine latest issue magazine cover.
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White-lipped green tree frog.

Organic solutions for a changing climate

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There's a lot to cope with in the garden when the climate is so uncertain -- and it's not just the plants, we need to watch out for the locals as well. These ideas will help.

 When our gardens are starting to feel the stress we can be sure that the little critters who like to make a home in them are doing it tough as well. Two options to consider are:


  • You can provide extra homes for green tree frogs by creating a shelter that is safe, cool, moist, out of the sun and protected from all elements. Good materials include cut bamboo, log hollows, or frog ‘hotels’ made from lengths of pvc piping, tall enough to keep the frogs away from predators, such as dogs, cats, cane toads and birds. 
  • Provide water containers with different depths to accommodate wildlife. For example, some bees suck water from shallow dishes with sand (not beach sand, you need river sand) in it. In larger water bowls have sticks, rocks and/or hessian on the edge for landing and resting pads for bees otherwise they could drown. Large bowls and ponds are good for birds to bathe and drink. Keep water clean. Place water near the garden for their extra protection/safety.


For more regional tips for your garden,whether you live in the tropics or a warm temperate climate, get the latest issue of Organic Gardener, on sale now!