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We can cut our energy use at the same time as making our houses and the appliances within them more efficient.

New energy guide can help save money

By looking at our energy use, we can not only save money, but help limit future climate harm.

A new report by the Climate Council shows that Australian families could save up to $2000 on their power bills through simple measures that help make homes more energy-efficient.

A how-to guide and new home bill savings simulator has been developed by the Climate Council that offers practical ways to save that can be tailored to suit your household.

“We know Australians care about climate change and are worried about the cost of living and bill shock. The good news is you can tackle both these issues at the same time. And in fact, it may be easier than you think,” Climate Council Senior Researcher Dr Carl Tidemann said.

The tips for saving energy, and so money, are very practical and can be easy as sealing draughts and wall cavities, and insulating ceilings and walls. There are plenty of options for homeowners, as well as renters.

Combining both electrification and practical efficiency upgrades, the Climate Council’s analysis shows an average Australian household would save between $1085 and $2,872 each year depending on the state or territory you live in.

You can find out how much you could save in energy bills and emissions each year by making basic changes around your home in the Climate Council’s energy savings simulator by selecting the dots located around the home.