Keeping your henhouse tidy
When the hot weather starts to wane, it's a good time to set your chooks up for a safe, healthy and cosy cool season.
It’s customary for hens to moult or replace all their feathers in autumn – it may not look great but it’s all part of a natural process. But with all those feathers making the yard look messy, autumn calls for a seasonal clean-out.
Get started
Pop on a face mask and gloves and choose a warm sunny day. Rake up and remove all the litter and debris from the henhouse and yards and compost it. Brush dust and cobwebs from walls and wash them down with hot, soapy water. Then boil the kettle and carefully pour boiling water into joins, cracks and crevices to remove any red mites.
Scrub droppings from perches and nest boxes, and wash feeders and waterers in hot water with a dollop of vinegar. Use a rough broom to scrub concrete or paving floors. Allow the housing to dry out then add clean new litter to floors and nest boxes.
Comfy housing
Keep housing warm, clean and dry over cold wet periods to maintain optimal poultry health. While you need to prevent cold drafts reaching perches, henhouses still require good ventilation to stop condensation and odours building up. Clerestory windows are one solution.
A generous roofing overhang will help keep conditions dry around the henhouse, while plenty of soft litter provides warmth.
To keep litter friable and odour-free on floors and nest boxes, remove any wet or clumped patches and replace with fresh material – such as chemical-free wood shavings, rice hulls or pea straw.
Plan ahead now to stop outdoor yards becoming muddy and slippery by laying down tanbark or sand.
You’ll find more tips for keeping your chooks healthy in our Early Autumn issue (OG 155) and in the poultry section of our website.