Young Violetta artichoke flower buds
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Edible ornamentals

Good looking and tasty. Could we call these edimentals? PENNY WOODWARD investigates.

Terracotta sunflowers
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Stunning sunflowers

With the weather warming, PENNY WOODWARD says to plant sunflowers now.

Flowers, shrubs & trees

Fill your garden with colour

Add colour and aroma to your garden with these top-performing flowers.

Red succulent, sedum
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Succulent sedums

Sometimes we forget about the tough, hard working plants in our gardens, says PENNY WOODWARD

Clumps of daffodils provide colour and interest in gardens through winter and spring.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Hidden surprises surface in spring

The beginning of spring is an exciting time in JENNIFER STACKHOUSE's new cold climate Tassie garden. 

Ash Tree
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Sustainable firewood

Heating with wood has a reputation for being unsustainable, but JUSTIN RUSSELL argues that with the right timber and a slow combustion heater, your fireplace can be carbon neutral.

Flowers, shrubs & trees

A Nod to Nasturtiums

One of the best plants for organic gardens is the nasturtium. JUSTIN RUSSELL writes that it's useful, ornamental, and lots of fun to grow.

Tea Camellia Hedge
Flowers, shrubs & trees

How to have your hedge and eat it too

There's no need for plants to be classed as either ornamental or edible. In a productive garden they can be both. JUSTIN RUSSELL makes hedges that look pretty, and taste good too.

The vibrant colours of zinnias are a great addition to any garden.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Uplifting annuals

PENNY WOODWARD brings colour and buzz to the organic garden with some favourite annual flowers.

Bamboo beauties
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Bamboo beauties

Beautiful and useful, non-invasive clumping bamboos can be a wonderful asset in the garden. NICK ROMANOWSKI chooses some of the most distinctive for tropical and temperate climates.

Super sunflowers
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Super sunflowers

Sunflowers look fabulous, are easy to grow and provide a variety of useful resources, writes JERRY COLEBY-WILLIAMS.