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Guano is a word that originates from the Andean indigenous language, and means, “the droppings of seabirds”.

From seabirds to soil: the use of guano to boost soil health

Sponsored by Bioguano Australia

Guano is a natural fertiliser that, once harvested, can be processed sustainably. The result? A soil additive that provides essential nutrients for plants.

With over 25 years working in the citrus and commercial rose-growing markets, BioGuano Australia has a thorough understanding of the elements that constitute an effective organic fertiliser. They have now extended their commercial-grade quality fertiliser to home gardeners, providing an easy-to-use liquid product that will feed gardens, naturally.

The main ingredient they have been working with over the years is guano: a natural fertiliser that not only provides essential nutrients for plants but also aligns with sustainable practices that respect and utilise natural processes.

Guano is a word that originates from the Andean indigenous language, and means, “the droppings of seabirds”. The guano production process begins as saltwater fish are devoured and digested by sea birds. Deposited on rocks and baked in the sun, the excrement along with bits of eggshells, feathers, insects and microbes matures into nature’s best fertiliser. Guano cleans toxins from soil, improves soil texture, speeds up the decomposition process and promotes healthy plant colour and growth.

Direct from nature

The nutrient composition of BioGuano+ includes essential elements such as phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus supports root development, flowering and fruiting, while potassium contributes to the overall health of the plant, increasing its resistance to diseases and pests.

In addition to these primary nutrients, guano also contains secondary and micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium and trace elements. These nutrients fulfil various roles in plant health, from contributing to cell wall structure to supporting enzyme function.

Guano also serves as a beneficial soil conditioner. It enhances the structure of the soil, increasing its capacity to retain moisture and nutrients. This not only creates a more conducive environment for plant roots but also supports a diverse community of beneficial soil micro-organisms.

BioGuano+ contains essential nutrients that help nourish your plants through all stages of growth.

Simple to use

This organic source of phosphorus and calcium promotes vigorous growth, strengthens your plant’s immune system, and enhances soil health. BioGuano+ couples this with a complementary blend of natural minerals and bio-stimulants to support optimum photosynthesis. Each application of the solution, which is mixed with water, helps ensure your plants remain resilient and healthy throughout their growth, flowering and fruiting stages.

A mix of history and science has helped BioGuano Australia turn their respect for nature and the environment, into a product that’s not only highly effective but also environmentally conscious.

 Guano cleans toxins from soil, improves soil texture, speeds up the decomposition process and promotes healthy plant colour and growth.

Making the most of nature

BioGuano+ contains essential nutrients that help nourish your plants through all stages of growth in an easy-to-use liquid form. Using guano sourced from suppliers that have the appropriate accreditation for bio suitable products for organic farming, the fertiliser offers:

  • A rich source of natural phosphorus, calcium, silicon, potassium, organic carbon and ocean minerals: a unique blend that serves as both a soil conditioner and fertiliser.
  • The addition of kelp improves plant growth, flavour profiles, tolerance to abiotic/biotic stress and root/microbe interactions.
  • Ingredients that help clean toxins from soil, improve soil texture and promote healthy plant colour and growth.
  • Silicon is also added to the mix, helping increase the rigidity of plant cells. This fortifying, synergistic effect will help to facilitate bigger plants, faster growth, and protection against sap sucking insects.