Garlic pests and diseases

Try these recipes to combat the main problems for homegrown garlic: fungal diseases rust and fusarium, and black aphid pests.

Ants – friend or foes

Ants are part of life in Australia, says Denis Crawford, and are very important in the environment.


This important insect-repellent herb has lots of uses says Penny Woodward

How to prevent and treat bugs and citrus gall wasp

Denis Crawford suggests organic remedies for the major pests afflicting citrus.

On fruit patrol

There can be some nasty pests and diseases in the summer orchard.Try Peter Cundall's trusted control methods.
Create a slug barrier

Peter Cundall first suggested this method of pear and cherry slug control.

Itchy and scratchy

'Tis the season for mozzies and ticks. Try these helpful plants to take the sting out of their bite, writes PENNY WOODWARD.

How to control fruit fly

JUSTIN RUSSELL suggests ways to keep destructive fruit fly at bay so you can enjoy your organically grown fruit.

Make your own pyrethrum

Penny Woodward is an expert in using herbs to help control pests naturally. Here she tells how to make your own pyrethrum spray.

How to wipe out whitefly

Fight whitefly without chemicals using these homemade sticky traps.

Snail and slug protection

PENNY WOODWARD explains how to keep these slimy critters away.