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Most broccoli varieties produce side shoots after the main head has been harvested, keeping you in broccoli for months. Don’t forget, leaves are edible, too.
Rich, friable, free-draining soil.
Dislikes: Extreme heat.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start:
Start seed in punnets. Sowing 5mm deep. Plant out seedlings when 7–10cm tall. Space plants 40–50cm apart.
How to grow:
Keep moist. Feed plants with organic fertiliser every 6–8 weeks.
When to harvest:
When broccoli head has reached a good size. Use a sharp knife to cut the stem on a diagonal to help shed water and prevent rot.
Pests and diseases:
Cabbage butterfly, grey aphids
Suppliers: The Diggers Club Garden Express
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